Snotlout, he died as part of his redemption arc, sacrificing himself so that Hiccup can survive and go on to live another day and ultimately maybe save whats left of the Archipelago and the dragons. Snotlout continued his advances when they met again in "Have Dragon Will Travel, Part 1". Although afraid of him, Snotlout seems to want to earn some form of approval from his dad. However, when Dagur changed sides and became good, Snotlout eventually grew, like the rest of the Dragon Riders, to trust and respect him. Tuffnut declares that she wants Fishlegs to learn to ride Belch. Astrid Smeplass (born 29 October 1996) is a Norwegian singer and songwriter. ("Race to Fireworm Island") This shows that the two are very close, even if they don't always show or admit it. Occupation: Is this the end of their relationship? As Spitelout departs, he adds that Astrid and Hiccup were chosen to represent their families and they had to go, too. Its pretty rare for a character to die in PG rated films, but if it did happen, then I would probably die too.. Just NO. While unladylike in almost every way, she is still the last single lady on Berk, making her the unwilling recipient in Snotlout's and Fishlegs' competitive wooing. Snotlout then built the Sheep Launcher for the Dragon Races. Hookfang likes to tease Snotlout and laugh when Astrid makes jokes about Jorgensons. Let's go think with our muscles.". Hookfang always teases, by biting and slapping him, in order to get back at him, or hide his affection for him. Snotlout has proven that in some ways he can back up his boasting. Hearing this, Astrid is left in shock, saying that the Hofferson's and Jorgenson's never get along. Fishlegs when he realizes that Tuffnut accidentally married him and Ruffnut. With Jay Baruchel, America Ferrera, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, T.J. Miller. Snoggletog Log He is 15 years old in the first film, shorts, and the first two television series, 18 or 19 years old in Dragons: Race to the Edge and Dawn of the Dragon Racers, 20 years old in the sequel, and 21 years old in How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. However, the blast affects Stormfly's vision, forcing her and Astrid to land. Later, when Alvin was locked up, he tells Snotlout that the two of them aren't really that different, both being reckless, bold and questioning the authorities of their leaders. Snotlout refuses and goes to talk to his dad. After that, Snotlout and Fishlegs fought for Ruffnut's affection in How to Train Your Dragon 2. To find out more about Hookfang, Heather described him as being the most impressive, most likely to try and get Snotlout into telling her dragon secrets. However, he works Hookfang so much that the dragon begins to lose his ability to flame up and is dying from exhaustion. As it's nearing sundown, Snotlout flies ahead to the Island of Friga for the marriage with Hiccup and Astrid promising to catch up. It may seem like he doesn't respect Snotlout, always hitting him with parts of his body (mostly his tail), but deep down Hookfang does love Snotlout. By the time of "Sins of the Past", Snotlout had outgrown his crush on her. Race: Snotlout is shown to respect his father deeply, though their relationship is fairly rocky. Why is Gustav Vasa famous? Is Helios and Matheson still in business? However, after Hiccup allowed Snotlout to win, Spitelout was shown to proud of his son, letting him sit on his shoulder whilst the crowd cheered. Is the Night Fury the most powerful dragon? dragons race to the edge was my favorite as a kid, and when ever i rewatch it i'm like "damn! Meanwhile, the others lure the Smokebreaths to the Armorwing's site, where they eagerly begin tearing the metal from the heaps outside, which lures the Armorwing from its cave. The openly gay DeBlois told outlets at the time that the reason he kept the improvised line in the film was because, "I think it's nice. Subscribe to our newsletter Link copied to clipboard About The Author Brandon Zachary (6124 Articles Published) When Hiccup is shown to have survived his encounter with the Red Death, Snotlout actually sheds a tear in relief. He likes to think he can handle anything, but when he can't, he is not above asking for help. Gustav quickly took a liking to Snotlout, and quickly became his assistant and renamed 'Tiny Snotlout'. Do you know what happens when his "Inner Warrior" is caged up? Was the series good? He tries on several occasions to flirt with her through various means, such as by "impressing" her with his strength or "ability to block out the sun", though he fails each time. His dragon is a Monstrous Nightmare named Hookfang. Hiccup dubs the dragon as "Armorwing" after seeing how it melds the metal to its own customized coat of armor. Age: Spitelout is even shown to be smiling when Snotlout allows the Twins to score points. That's why series likeShe-Ra and the Princesses of Powerstand out from their peers, giving young members of the LGBQTcommunity role models they can look up to. It may seem like he doesn't respect Snotlout, always hitting him with parts of his body (mostly his tail), but deep down Hookfang does indeed love Snotlout. ignore the fact Snotlout has techniqually kissed Fishlegs already. Hookfang always teases Snotlout, usually by biting and slapping him, in order to either get back at him or hide his affection for him. Go away, Hookfang! Spitelout Jorgenson He also conducts industry interviews, is a Rotten Tomatoes certified film critic, and knows a LOT about the X-Men. Snotlout will regularly attempt to undermine Hiccup in front of the others by trying to appear more knowledgeable or worthy as a leader, but he often just ends up making himself look like an idiot. It was released on Netflix on January 8, 2016. "So anyway, uh, I moved into my parents' basement. How many deaths are caused by flu each year. Astrid Smeplass (born 29 October 1996) is a Norwegian singer and songwriter. The Haddocks (Hiccup's family) was the only one in this episode not in some relationship with another rider's. Snotlout Jorgenson is a major character in the franchise. Griplout JorgensonHedgelout Jorgenson However, in Snotlout's attempts to retrieve it, it is revealed that the 'rock' is actually a dragon covered in armor, which immediately begins attacking Snotlout, Hiccup, and Astrid. Spitelout is first seen during the dragon raid at the beginning of the film. ("Big Man on Berk") In Return of Thor Bonecrusher, Snotlout and Fishlegs were shown to be good friends. The other characters call it a crush and Astrid teases him for being in love. This does not deter Snotlout, who believes that they are his only hope of getting his axe, since they love metal. Snotlout then saw that the Outcasts were attacking. Oi! He and Ruffnut sometimes even help Snotlout with pranks and tricks. After landing, Snotlout shows no regret in almost killing Astrid and doesn't apologize. And though Toothless is the most intelligent dragon, theres plenty of evidence that hes not as intelligent as a human so it could have taken him even longer to tap into his long term memory. ", "That may work for you and Toothless, but Hookfang and me, we do things a little different. Hookfang and Snotlout were each willing to risk their lives to protect each other from the Fireworm Queen. If you continue to use the site, we will assume that this suits you. They pair up in defending Wingmaiden Island from the Dragon Flyers in "Chain of Command", and Snotlout gives her a few pep talks when she starts to doubt herself. I MADE FISHLEGS A SIMP. Snotlout's antagonism of Hiccup is partially a result of his dislike of authority figures, but is also implied to stem from deep jealousy of Hiccup's standing within the tribe and the respect he receives from the other Riders despite being previously being thought of as a runt. He's a great mentor figure for the film series and a great example of a gay character. However, this crush is one-sided, seeing how Astrid always ends up either mocking, ignoring or hurting him. The scene changes to show Hiccup cutting through bushes in their search for the axe, which they finally spot embedded into a chunk of rock. Snotlout was mad now. New BerkIsle of Berk (formerly)Dragon's Edge (formerly) Snotlout and Astrid must deliver a special battle axe to a family wedding, but when an Armorwing derails their plan, they have to work together.iTunes[1]. In Gem of a Different Color, Gustav's mother, Mrs. Larson, traded Gustav to Snotlout in exchange for a 'Stone of Good Fortune', which was actually a Changewing egg. Dragon Species: Night Fury Deadly Nadder Gronckle Monstrous Nightmare Hideous Zippleback Typhoomerang Thunderdrum Hotburple Fireworm Scauldron Whispering Death Smothering Smokebreath Changewing Screaming Death Fireworm Queen Flightmare Skrill Lead Stinger Speed Stingers Stormcutter Bewilderbeast Seashocker Razorwhip, How to Train Your Dragon 2: For The Dancing And The Dreaming Where No One Goes Into A Fantasy Location: An argument had broken out at the rehearsal dinner and it had gotten ugly. Still determined to retrieve the axe, Snotlout immediately sets out to follow the dragon with Hookfang on his heels. Astrid Hofferson Snotlout has a major crush on Astrid in the series and first film, and is shown to flirt a . This was because the Jorgenson clan had won every Thawfest so far, and he did not want his own son being the first to lose. On the way, Snotlout tries to convince Astrid and Hiccup that nothing he has ever done has ended in disaster. Hiccup's so brave. In an attempt to retrieve the axe, Hiccup drops into a power dive, but is unsuccessful. The Unholy Offspring of Lightning and Death Itself, this dragon is one of the rarest and most powerful dragons in existence. He covers breakouts on comics, film, television, video games, and anime. Hiccup and Astrid eventually get married (in the final act of the third film) and are named chief and chieftess of Berk. The scene changes to Ruffnut yelling about a fish-gutting station. Dragon Characters: Toothless Stormfly Meatlug Barf and Belch Hookfang Cloudjumper Skullcrusher Grump Red Death Toothless' Rival Scauldy Bing, Bam and Boom Windshear Shattermaster Valka's Bewilderbeast Drago's Bewilderbeast Torch Thornado Light Fury . This is the episode where Ruffnut's middle name, "Eugene," is revealed. He even goes as far as to kiss Fishlegs. Earning his father's love and approval clearly causes Snotlout a great deal of insecurity and anxiety, and in this way, he is similar to Hiccup, though it is unacknowledged, since Snotlout either keeps it to himself or is in denial about his father's clearly unfair treatment of him. Snotlout and Fishlegs both give the race up to help Ruffnut win. In How to Train Your Dragon and DreamWorks Dragons: The Series, he's always worn his helmet with spiral sheep horns, his tunic tucked in his pants with open-stitching at the chest and a black vest over it, dark gray bracers on his arms, and matching fur boots. Gustav quickly took a liking to Snotlout, and become quickly his assistant and 'Tiny Snotlout'. King Carl XVI Gustaf is the seventh monarch of the House of Bernadotte. Although he would often taunt Hiccup over his lack of skill, he never seemed to hold the same level of dislike for him that he did in the books. He is probably the Berk record holder for "Longest Time Nadder-Spiked to a Wall. He killed the Red Death. Snotlout also showed he was worried for Hookfang's well being in the second film, where he even ignored a chance to hug Ruffnut and instead ran to hug his dragon. Is Snotlout never going to ride again? Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, 10 Actors Who Have What It Takes To Play Superman In The New DCU, Rocky Balboa's Surprise Cameo Tied Back Perfectly to the Original, Empire Strikes Back's Darker Ending Would've Made the Best Star Wars Film Better. However, like with Astrid, he was only interested in Heather for shallow reasons. When Hiccup starts doing well in Dragon Training, Snotlout rushes to join the ranks of his adoring fans. However, unlike Hiccup his feelings are however pretty one-sided as Astrid always ends up either mocking, ignoring or rejecting his flirtations and advances. Snotlout was also a bit of a profiteer when he inadvertently stole Changewing eggs, believing they were stones of good fortune. When Tuffnut is telling Fishlegs he can't actually marry people, the bottom half of his tunic is missing. Hiccup devises a strategy to gather various pieces of metal and get close enough to the Armorwing's blasts to heat the pieces so that they would melt together. Although Snotlout seemed to only feel romantically towards Fishlegs when Fishlegs was hypnotized into thinking he was a courageous hero. YOU HEAR ME?! Spitelout (Snotlout's dad) lands and tells Snotlout to loosen his grip. Snotlout's decision to release Alvin was later proven by Hiccup to be the right one in "Cast Out, Part 2". He is a very sensitive, caring person, and has an incredible knowledge about dragons. From the glimpses of his family in the television show, it is easy to see how Snotlout is a product of his upbringing, since his father, Spitelout, is shown to be just as arrogant and disrespectful as his son, and places great pressure on Snotlout to meet his incredibly high standards and preserve the family reputation. He is next seen when the adult Vikings discuss Stoick's suggestion to find the dragon's nest. They are played by America Ferrera, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, T.J. Miller, Andree Vermeulen, and Mae Whitman respectively. Snotlout Jorgenson is one of the the main characters of the How to Train Your Dragon franchise. He was also somewhat shocked when Dagur succeeded in passing the trials Mala had set him through, and that she and Dagur had become engaged to be married as a result. Written and directed by Dean DeBlois, the film stars the voices of Jay Baruchel, Cate Blanchett, Craig Ferguson, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill, Kit Harington, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Justin Rupple, Kristen Wiig and F. Murray Abraham. But even after all their fighting, Snotlout was quick to come and aid in Hiccup's rescue. I'm not claiming you're lying i just wanna see it. Oi! He also edits and writes articles for the IronSet blog where he shares his experiences. Is Astrid's single? Snotlout has been known for his conflict between him and Hiccup. Snotlout, however, stated that he knew this already. On their return to the Edge, Hiccup is shocked to see Tuffnut riding Meatlug. He even released Alvin to help to fight of Dagur and his army then later lock him up in the dragon academy. When Hiccup starts doing well in Dragon Training, Snotlout quickly joins the ranks of his adoring fans. She finally settles for Fishlegs Ingerman at the end of the third film and is seen to be still involved with him ten years later. Tuffnut is shown to be very close friends with Snotlout. It is implied Snotlout secretly enjoys riling Astrid up. Who is Astrid skam? Snotlout yet again defied Hiccup's commands and repeated his mistake, but freeing the Screaming Death's mother from Dagur in the process. One way the franchise's creators added dimensions to Gobber was to subtly imply that he was gay in previous films. Ruffnut, 19, is the crass, conniving sister half of the notorious twin duo. He doesn't get there in time, but the wedding had been canceled due to a brawl breaking out. Spin-off series: DreamWorks Dragons (Episode List) However, when he arrives after nightfall, he discovers the site in complete disarray, and his father, Spitelout, is the only one present. Last This unnamed Light Fury is a female Light Fury and Toothless mate who first appeared in How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. By the third film, he's seeking the attention of Valka by trying to be her most proactive pupil in rescuing dragons. The episode ended on a very high note for Hiccup and Snotlout with both boys seeming to gain a much greater appreciation for one another. Hookfang (Monstrous Nightmare)Pain (Terrible Terror)Hunterbolt (Skrill)Unnamed Fireworm QueenBrisket, Saddle, Chuck, Rump, Loin, Scrag, Cutlet, Ham Hock, Sausages, Offal, Knuckle, and Pot Roast (Monstrous Nightmares) Despite their bond, he wasn't willing to die alongside Snotlout by getting buried alive. In How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, Snotlout continuously tries to have Valka's attention and approval and doesn't like that she gives more credit to Eret, Son of Eret. Gay characters in animation are still a rarity, even in the modern day. In "Guardians of Vanaheim" he was completely indifferent towards her and even a little insensitive and rude. Cause it could've been a joke. Snotlout is highly arrogant, bordering on narcissistic, and prone to grandiose delusions of perfection, popularity and extreme attractiveness, and consequentially his egomania causes him to have a huge problem with authority or being able to admit responsibility for his mistakes or misdeeds, for which he always has some terrible justification. Snotlout has stated that he thinks of Hiccup and himself as arch-enemies and states that they are not friends, though this view is largely unfounded and not reciprocated in any way by Hiccup, who refers to Snotlout as his friend despite being regularly exasperated by his behavior. She first appeared in A Heros Guide to Deadly Dragons and has appeared in every following novel. To his explanation of accidentally marrying Fishlegs and Ruffnut, Astrid breaks it to him that he was unable to perform Viking unions. Later, in Race to Fireworm Island, Spitelout's view of others and things in general are revealed, revealing that he thinks and has taught Snotlout that 'rest is for the weak', and that he views dragons as nothing more then simple weapons. Height: He even goes as far as to kiss Fishlegs. How to Train Your Dragon Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. He was the most aggressive in bullying Hiccup and. Father: Good Snotlout then got the entire village to get Hiccup to have dragon races instead of the Regatta. ("Buffalord Soldier"). He goes into a short tirade on how he had risked both his friends and his own life to bring the axe to the ceremony, only for his father to admit that there wouldn't be a union ceremony and that it was a good thing he didn't bring the axe on time. To be fair I wasnt aware of my sexuality at the time so Im gonna rewatch it now, When does it state this? coughs in Astrid,Tuffnut,Mala,Dagur,Ruffnut,Eret and Valka. This is also an extension of his egotistical personality. In the animated series Dragons Race to the Edge, Snotlout displays romantic affection for Fishlegs in Season 1 episode 5 "Big Man on Berk". But becomes jealous of Eret when Eret proves to be more experienced and logical, winning him Valkas support. How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, "I've never seen anyone mess up that badly. Because they needed a big cliffhanger to get people invested in the next season, and they had ran out of plot to beat the dead goat with.) When Hookfang brought them back to the Berk, Snotlout claimed to have captured Alvin, before fainting. Snotlout fell first but Fishlegs fell harder. The scene shifts back to Meatlug and Fishlegs, who desperately searches through books, trying to find a way to dissolve the Viking union between himself and Ruffnut. What's wrong, buddy? ", "Hiccup's so smart. Although not much is explained, Snotlout seemed to respect his chieftain. Fishlegs Ingerman is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III's closest friend in the franchise. Astrid is unwilling to go after them, pointing out that "It's his mess. Fishlegs stays outside for a while trying to comfort her but is called back inside by Ruffnut. By contrast, Gobber being gay is introduced right smack dab in the middle of the series. Snotlout looked somewhat muscular like his book series counterpart. At Breakneck Bog, Astrid reminds Snotlout that it is impossible to train Smothering Smokebreaths. "Come on, Hookfang. Afterward, Hiccup says that no Hofferson will ever marry a Jorgenson. Video games: How to Train Your Dragon, Spin-off Characters: Dagur the Deranged Mala Heather Heather's Parents Atali Gustav Larson Minden Bucket Mulch Silent Sven Trader Johann Alvin the Treacherous Viggo Grimborn Ryker Grimborn Mildew Captain Vorg Krogan ", "Can someone do that chin scratchy thing? Night Furies are extremely rare creatures. In a film full of romance (played both for comedy and drama), it was a nice touch that played as a bittersweet note for the character. Snotlout supposedly fears his dad, who in turn, constantly pressurises and undermines his son. Eye Color: Like most Berkians, if not all, Snotlout originally hated Alvin. The Smokebreaths eagerly seize the metal ball and depart from the site. He is 14 years old in the first film, three shorts, Riders, and in Defenders of Berk, 17 to 18 in Dawn of the Dragon Racers and Race to the Edge, 19 years old in How to Train Your Dragon 2, 20 years old in How to Train Your . It could either be alternate reasons or a . Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! They ask for an explanation, to which Tuffnut responds, "Hiccup, meet the Ingerman-Thorstons: We're a model of the modern Viking family." However, it is revealed that they cheated and lose the match to Hiccup and Fishlegs. Much like her brother, Tuffnut, she delights in all things dangerous and against the rules. He trained the dragons. ", "That is Snotlout Manor, and all I need now is a queen. One of the episodes ends with him kissing the guy on the cheek. Alive Its a direction I didnt expect them to take his character and, honestly, I loved it. Out-of-UniverseInformation Snotlout supposedly fears his dad, who in turn, constantly pressurizes and undermines his son. When Dwight Eisenhower gave the Atoms for Peace speech what constructive use of nuclear energy was he introducing? FirstAppearance: This is later replaced by a mechanical fin that Hiccup constructs himself. Hiccup and Astrid arrive moments later and both offer to take the blame for his lateness. Like most Berkians, if not all, Snotlout originally hated Alvin. But if our sword cannot be sharpened any longer, we get a new one", insinuating Snotlout to get a new dragon if Hookfang doesn't recover. She isn't dating anyone. RELATED: Funko Spoils a MAJOR How to Train Your Dragon 3 Storyline, The first real hint at the character's sexuality came during the second entry in the series,How to Train Your Dragon2. They contradict him by recounting previous events: When Snotlout brought the Changewing eggs to Berk, nearly destroying the village (Which Snotlout says is Fishlegs' fault); the time where he released the Skrill from its ice block, also nearly destroying the village (Twins' fault); and the time Snotlout flew both himself and Hiccup into the waterspout and crash-landed them on Outcast Island (Act of Thor). Despite believing that Snotlout was one of the Grimborns' Dragon Hunters, Mala chose to ride with him on Hookfang in "Defenders of the Wing, Part 2". Mother: Lout (Hiccup)Boy-o (Spitelout)Sir UlgerthorpeMaster Snotlout (Johann)Master of AwesomeThe SnotSnotmanLittle Man (Thor Bonecrusher)Strange Little Man (Eret)Annoying NarratorBoulder BoyLover Boy"Sweetie Pie""Honey Punch"Snotty-kins (Astrid)Boar Brother (Ruffnut)NotloutSnotSir Snots-a-LotSnottersSnotmasterSnotty (Tuffnut)SnothatSnotheadSnotfaceSnotpocketSnotlipSnotholeSnotnoseSnotragSnotpitSnotriderSnotknuckles (Dagur)King (Mala)Lunatic (Hiccup)Muttonhead, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock IIIAstrid HoffersonFishlegs IngermanTuffnut ThorstonRuffnut ThorstonStoick the Vast (deceased)Gobber the BelchValkaGothiGustav LarsonDagur the DerangedHeatherEret, Son of EretAlvin the TreacherousMalaThrokAtaliMindenToothlessStormflyMeatlugHookfangBarf and BelchShattermasterWindshearCloudjumperSkullcrusherGrumpGothi's PetFanghookKingstailSkulderFishmeatSpitelout's SnafflefangRescued Crimson GoregutterRescued HobgobblerLight Fury. Ruffnut Thorston is both the recipient and giver of romantic interests with several male characters in the DreamWorks Dragons Franchise. She also sometimes beats him up for flirting with her, or for not even that much reason. Oi! Click here to view more quotes from Snotlout Jorgenson Snotlout ends up on the ground as expected by the Riders. ", The line was an ab lib by Ferguson, but it resonated with the director of the film, Dean DeBlois. Hookfang and Snotlout were each willing to risk their lives to protect each other from the Fireworm Queen. How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World will hit theaters Feb. 22, 2019. She cooed to young Snotlout about how strong and brave and protective Spitlout was and hoped Snotlout will grow up the same, and then passed away due to illness when he was five or something. Among other things, that means Hiccups father, Stoick (Nolan North), who died heroically in the second film, is still alive, providing leadership to the people of the mythical land of Berk and gently steering his son to take over. Hookfangis a lot like his owner, always being reckless and wild. Hookfang fires back at the dragon as a diversion, but the dragon still manages to shoot at Stormfly, narrowly missing her. Snotlout is shown to respect his father deeply, though their relationship is fairly rocky. This is the first time that Hiccup's last name, This is the first time the Smokebreaths appear in an episode that doesn't have, Hookfang uses his Wing Blast technique he learned in ". He eventually gained respect for Fishlegs, at least for a little while, when Fishlegs went Berserk and successfully intimidated Snotlout into giving him the Changewing egg. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Earning his father's love and approval clearly causes Snotlout a great deal of insecurity and anxiety, and in this way he is similar to Hiccup, though it is unacknowledged, since Snotlout either keeps it to himself or is in denial about his father's clearly unfair treatment of him. In that, he is not unlike Alvin the Treacherous, who did much the same thing to Stoick the Vast. Snotlout is Hiccup's cousin, but he definitely doesn't treat Hiccup that way. implied sexual tension. All is well. The episode starts out with Snotlout knocking down targets, which act as Dragon Hunters that the gang uses for target practice. Just like Hiccup, Snotlout has a major crush on Astrid throughout most of the franchise and is very vocal of his attraction. Snotlout was shocked by this, his father not seeming to care about Hookfang's condition. NEXT PAGE: Snotlout is Still Kind of a Snot, Though. 167 cm (5'6") (VG) (at age 20) When Hiccup is shown to have survived his encounter with the Red Death, Snotlout surprisingly . Even with Hiccup's good sportsmanship in the end, Snotlout remains completely ungrateful and gloats in his victory. Other: In 2020, she released her debut studio album, Leave It Beautiful, through Universal. As the cultural landscape changes and grows, it's important that characters from the broad spectrum of humanity be represented, and, by making Gobber quietly but confidently gay,the How to Train Your Dragonfranchise manages to actually stand out among other fantasy franchises. In this movie, Snotlout has apparently gave up on Astrid, as she is officially with Hiccup, and started to hit on Ruffnut along with, for some weird reason, Fishlegs. He has grown up, looking more like his father, and seems to be a bit less arrogant and obnoxious. In the case of book! His dragon is a Monstrous Nightmare named Hookfang. Snotlout and Hookfang have more of a cowboy-horse relationship. When I wantthis big boyto do something I just get right in his face and-- DROP THAT RIGHT NOW! Hookfang fires at the dragon when it tries to charge at them, much to Astrid's approval, but the dragon immediately takes off, throwing Snotlout off its back into nearby bushes. The 'dance' comes to an abrupt end when a horrified Fishlegs realizes that this means Tuffnut actually married him to Ruffnut, and since Viking unions are forever, the marriage cannot be dissolved. In "Something Rotten on Berserker Island", Snotlout reacts slightly upset when Dagur didn't even remember his name, thinking it's 'Snothat'. His view on Dagur quickly changed, as Dagur become a frequent enemy of the Riders, and Berk in general, and didn't hesitate to fight him.